Right now we are accepting limited submissions while our project is in beta testing. Eventually, this app will analyze your url, then generate an .avi file to download. For the time being, we are manually processing all videos, which takes some considerable time. Submit your URL and we will try and generate a video for you, although all videos will be hosted on our youtube channel, feel free to link and embed at your leisure!
WE DO NOT SPAM. We only ask for your email to notify you that a video has been uploaded.
Thanks for your interest in the CSS Reflow Project. We are full time programmers, and when we arent doing client work, we try to dedicate as much time as we can making videos and developing our code. We love the positive response from users all over the globe, and we urge you to keep the URL submissions coming!
If you feel so inclined you may make a donation to help keep the project running, by clicking the "Donate" button below. For any questions, or if an enterprising entrepreneur would like to fund the development of this project, feel free to contact me via the email below.
Thanks, and have a great day!